September is a respected independent, author-focused publisher of intelligent and beautifully produced fiction and non-fiction.

Books in which to lose yourself … and find yourself 


This week’s featured author

Simon Parker

Cycling | Travel

Simon Parker is a British travel writer, author, filmmaker, public speaker and broadcast journalist, working across a wide range of themes and subjects. He has reported on stories as diverse as ‘migrant crisis’ in Greece and social inequality in the barrios of Northern Colombia. He’s paraglided solo through the Andes and driven a rickshaw the length of India. His first book, Riding Out, was published in 2022. All his travels and adventures are shared with his followers at @simonwiparker


The Spark events

The Spark events

Fresh from talks on the Mind Body Spirit and Wellnergy Festivals, Rosalind is back onstage to talk all things The Spark …