It has been a busy March for author events. Sharon Blackie gave a workshop on The Enchanted Life at Alternatives in...
Conor Woodman
This week Conor Woodman and Christopher Nicholson have both appeared at the Edinburgh International Book Festival....
Edinburgh in August
The Edinburgh International Book Festival programme is now live, and we're delighted to have two authors appearing. On...
Soho loses notoriety …
A great article in today's Guardian, following Conor Woodman's talk about Sharks at the Hay Literary Festival:
Conor Woodman at the Hay Festival
A great evening at the Hay Festival last night for Conor Woodman, talking about Sharks. (photo by @BytetheBook)
How not to fall prey to Sharks on holiday
In Wanderlust travel magazine, Conor Woodman gives advice on how not to get conned on holiday:
Conor Woodman on Monocole
Here Conor Woodman on The Monocle Daily at 28.20 talking about Sharks.
Happy publication day SHARK$
We are very pleased to congratulate Conor Woodman on the publication of his hair-raising book Sharks: Investigating...
The Shark Whisperer – How I fell in with the Wrong Crowd and Lived to Tell the Tale, Brasserie Zadel
To celebrate the publication of Sharks, Brasserie Zadel is hosting Conor Woodman in a night of frank, funny and...
A New Year Letter
2 January 2017 Dear September Authors and Supporters Happy New Year! It seemed a good moment, in the quiet first days...