The Wheel: A Witch’s Path Back to the Ancient Self


A witch’s journey to discover how witchcraft can heal us, reconnect us with nature and keep us magical in an age of disbelief.

‘Jennifer Lane casts a contrary nature spell over her readers, full of glitter and acorns, fire and firecrests.’ ​

Derek Niemann, Guardian

A newer edition is available here.

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Do you ever find that the earth stills and you suddenly feel acutely alive? Have you ever looked into an animal’s eyes and felt the pull of a more primal world? Do you sometimes feel panic rise, or isolation sink upon you, or simply feel out of kilter with the modern world?

‘The crackling starts in my feet, where I am closest to the Earth. I feel it buzzing in the capillaries in my soles like static. It’s a shifting pulse of air and light. It is neither positive nor negative, but it’s an insistent, thrumming force that can be used to flush away the bad or fuse together to create the new.’

One winter, Jennifer Lane reached breaking point in her fast-paced office life. In the year that followed her stress-related illness, she set out to rediscover the solace and purpose that witchcraft had given her as a teenager.

The Wheel is an immersive, engaging read – exploring the life-long draw of witchcraft and our vulnerability to toxic working environments and digital demands. In ​her year-long journey Jennifer explores ancient festivals and rituals, and visits fellow pagans and wild landscapes, in search of wisdom and peace.

For those who are sick at heart of noise, anger and disconnection, The Wheel is full of wise words, crackling rituals and natural beauty. This is a quest to discover how to live fully connected to the natural world while firmly in the twenty-first century. ​

‘Jennifer Lane’s writing is sincere, tender and rich with wonderment, empowering her readers to resist a conventional existence and look deeper into the heart of nature.’

Tiffany Francis, author of Dark Skies: A Journey into the Wild Night


‘In short – it’s a book that has grabbed me by my very core and inspired me to make some long-awaited changes in my own life. Also, she’s really funny and has a fantastic cat. What else could you need? More than a spiritual guide for modern-day witches, this book calls for all of us to pay more attention to the world around us … Jennifer’s passion for this subject emanates from the page, pulling the reader in so that we begin to look at the trees around us through her eyes, with that child-like sense of wonder. It’s a joyous and magickal experience.’

The Folklore Podcast

Read an extract.

The ebook is also available to buy from your favourite e-retailer.